I am getting to the end of my stock of this beautiful deck. When the second edition of The Dreamer's Journey sells out, the deck will be retired. No more reprints or editions.
Creating this deck was a complete inner and external journey of self-discovery, spanning many years. It was rewarding, frustrating, exciting, and exhausting. I love this deck with my full heart, and my heart is in each card.
However, the time has come to release it and allow the space for the Dreamer to begin a new journey. A journey that will involve new creations and facilitating self-discovery for other Dreamer's using Soul Trees® decks and additional tools. I am feeling called to step into a new beginning.
2018 was an incredible year of personal challenges and unexpected gifts. It offered me the opportunity to wholeheartedly honor myself, trust, heal and take a leap of faith in a direction that seemed to come out of nowhere (but not really ;) . I am currently studying, practicing a new skill, and creating. I look forward to launching new offerings in 2019, so stay tuned!
So if you have felt called to own a copy of The Dreamer's Journey now is the time. She won't be around much longer. ORDER NOW