I am excited for 2022!! I love the opportunity to create intentions for a new year, and the 222 will multiply those intentions! If you are viewing this on your phone, I invite you to pick a card by taking a screenshot of The Dreamer's Journey. What could you welcome into your experience in 2022 that would support your journey and expansion? All decks are 25% off thru (January 7th 2022) to assist you in connecting to your intuition and deepening your self-awareness in the next year! The third edition of The Dreamer's Journey will be available Spring 2022.
The last couple of years have challenged us to connect more deeply to and honor our true selves, the opportunity to do so will continue. It is time to go deeper. The answers and freedom we seek is within each of us and we need to connect with our truth, trust it and live it now. What are you ready to commit to, discover, uncover, and release in 2022? I am ready to expand my work. I am excited to try new things and see where and what I feel called to explore and create. One of my intentions is to be more open and comfortable moving forward within the unknown. I feel called to embrace the unlimited potential that resides in the discomfort of what is not predictable. What are you ready to explore and discover within your potential? Wishing you a magical new year's celebration. May your intentions support you in stepping into and honoring your truth throughout the coming year and beyond! Happy 2022!! Thank you for being here. :) Warm gratitude, Allyson